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Nissan has been struggling for 6 years
I was surprised to hear this.
Nissan has been struggling ever since the merger with Renault
We have a Rogue. It's a nice family SUV. Their marketing campaigns are pretty bad.
Always been a honda guy. Had a 2002 honda civic ex, and now a 2004 honda accord ex with currently 216,000 miles. Going for 500k!
My first car was Honda Prelude, then Accord's. Now switched to Lexus though.
Sad how far Japan has fallen. And not for lack of work ethic!
The Japanese, like all the western manufacturers simply cannot compete with the concerted and strategically developed Chinese manufacturing efficiency. The Chinese have scale and now dominate commodity supply markets and manufactured goods supply chains. The Japanese like other western nations are monetarily and militarily subservient to the declining US empire.
Nissan is not what it used to be. I consider it like another American brand now, meaning I don't consider them at all. Not sure who bought them or whatever but their quality went way down quite a while ago.
New fast and furious gonna be lit w the new mash ups
That would be bad for Hondas reputation, IMO
Japanese manufacturers cannot compete with the looming onslaught of Chinese cars. Few if any will survive...mergers will just buy a little time... China is positioned to become the dominant power globally via trade- just as Britain once did and then USA - Now China returning to the position it held 600 years as the most advanced culture in the world. The power projection of the nation state is crucial to the wealth of the nation. Trade is war and China has already won the trade war. Libertarian ideologs just don't get it- but its written throughout history.