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The Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation is counting on another $600 million in federal funding to complete the rail project to Kakaako, but Donald Trump’s election raises concerns that money might never actually arrive. (David Croxford/Civil Beat/2024)
The national rail industry has concerns that a Republican-led U.S. Senate and the president-elect may object to further federal spending on rail projects, but it is unclear how that might affect the Honolulu project and the remaining $619 million in committed federal funds.
The $10 billion elevated rail line has been struggling for years with construction delays and vast cost overruns.
The original 2012 agreement with the FTA called for the rail line from East Kapolei to Ala Moana Center to be completed by 2020 for $5.2 billion. The city finally opted in 2022 to scale back the project to end it in Kakaako to try to hold the cost below $10 billion.
Construction is now scheduled to be completed in 2030.
Sheesh the project is failing on both price and schedule. A massive miss by the engineering firms and the prime contractor and now they need Trump to bail them out. If they don’t get the funds this project will be unfinished and a massive waste of funding, time, and resources.
Seems like that railroad is never gonna get finished
Yeah it’s not looking good at all
It shouldn’t look good. The line is not that long to begin with. I would make a bet that there is plenty of corruption to go around and pockets are getting filled right and left.
What is the point of putting a massive rail in Hawaii? Is it for the tourists, or for the local people? I feel they should have set up a better bus system instead of a rail..
Yeah I’m not sure either. I’m curious what the traffic feasibility study would’ve suggested.
They have the roads already built. It would have been many times smarter to get a better bus system, even if if used electric.
Yeah, but why should they run electric busses when they can suck the federal teat and get a brand-spanking-new rail line that they don’t have to pay for? They might even try to get a nuclear power plant to go with it!
I know San Francisco still runs electric buses. They use the old lines and the bus has a wire that connects to it. I always thought they were interesting, but it must work for them since they have kept them.
How long do you think SF electric busses will be operating when California is having rolling blackouts due to lack of electric power and all of those electric cars plugging in for a charge? If they have some more electric generation, it would work.
I would put good money on it being set up as a pork-barrel project for the amazing Senators and representatives in Hawaii! You know, logrolling pays well!
Why the hell should the taxpayers of the US pay for a line to partwhere in Honolulu. The project was something to be killed if the Hawaiians don’t want to pay for it or keep it within budget. I guess everyone should be a sucker for such incredible performance!