This chart is amazing.
Gradually, then suddenly.
I wonder what could be the catalyst but then again it was during a bullish year. I wonder if this number stayed constant during 2022 or if it went up or down. I guess we'll find out when the next study comes out.
Yep, something tells me it will be in the double-digits :)
Bitcoin's marketing department: legacy central banks and payment processing companies.
The tighter they grip the fish the faster it flies out of their hands.
The share of Canadians owning Bitcoin rose from 5% in 2018–20 to 13% in 2021
What??? Is this real? You can walk through the city and more than every 10th person owns Bitcoin. 😳😳
Yes, according to the Bank of Canada.
The median value of their Bitcoin holdings is $500, and 30% of Bitcoin holders in Canada hold more than $5,000 of it.
Curious how much is held on exchanges
Exactly, and the flip-side of that, how much of it is self-custodied. Can't stop but wonder the quality of hardware wallets from the country is best-in-class...
We may never know the answer, but I guess some metric to track awareness is helpful...