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Even though we are in Bitcoin and we are, oh so very "right" about one thing, we all have something to learn from every single person, every single day. We can even learn from people who are "wrong", once we open up to it. This is how a teacher learns to teach. @Coinsreporter 😉
May we in-stead re-member to re-main young in mind and re-main open to new in-form-ation. There IS life beyond Bitcoin, @zapsammy 😉. If we are closed to new ideas, we are no different than an old man polishing his "precious" shiny rocks.
May we be mindful about CLINGing to being, oh so very "right", about anything, ever.
We don't want to get stuck in a box looking through a tunnel.
What is the alternative to being "right"?#470233
Thank you for reading and commenting
And feel free to tell me why I am "wrong" about never NEEDing to be "right"
If you roam around on a motorbike in Asia, no helmet, no insurance, no license, no papers... Trying to be right if something happens, and especially pay off everyone with Bitcoin would be as stupid as accepting random injections from the state haha!
These are the things that gold still are for ;-)
I don't think I quite follow?
I used to have a 4 ounce gold chain, these days I'm mainly driving on well known roads, unlikely to run into any real trouble.
Still got a couple of ounces or so in a safe in the house, though!
Cash works of course as well. The thing with a heavy gold chain is that you'd instantly be regarded as high on the social ladder, combine that with being polite but not a pushover at all and things will get resolved ;-)
I get it now. Some day maybe sats will serve these purposes as well.
Might work even now! But would totally depend on exactly who you run into...
Where I hang around there are very few from the West, and close to none on motorbikes, so even if there are patrols they probably prefer not using their English at all hehe, so its super relaxed
I have never thought of trying to pay of anyone in the US although I suppose it might work. When I traveled in Mexico, it was pretty much expected, even when we did nothing wrong, scary stuff in some spots..