pull down to refresh

As I have mentioned before, I pay my eldest daughter's pocket money in sats but now what I also do is whenever she wants something from the app store or Steam (a game or robux etc), or the shop, she pays me in sats for it, and I get it.
I showed her how to buy a gift card on bitrefill also, but the barrier there is usually the gift card amount is higher and because we are in Bulgaria there are sometimes issues with region compatibility etc
but this way, we at least have a little circular economy going, and when the youngest can actually properly count, I will set her up a lightning wallet too.
next, I am thinking of getting my wife involved, I haven't decided how yet, but I think I might set her up with a lightning wallet, and fund it partially to start her engaging with it at least.
Andreas Antopoplois once said get them started young and he's right. I suppose that's why cults always target the kids, because they accept things with an open mind.
Of course, the real cult brainwashing has been convincing people that having your money and purchasing power stolen via inflation is actually very good, something that has never been true for literally all human existence!
It's a good initiative to teach the young ones about Bitcoin. Get them young ! Anyways I have some little observations.
whenever she wants something from the app store or Steam (a game or robux etc)
Instead of wasting sats on online games I will suggest to GIVE her sats each time she learn something new about Bitcoin or doing some house keeping tasks.
I used to pay my daughter in sats for helping me with some excel reports I had to do for a client. Simple tasks that were taking me more time, but simple enough for her to do them and also learn how to use excel and financial stuff. And got paid real good sats.
Teach her how TO SAVE sats by spending less only on things that really matter. Reward Proof of Work instead of "proof of spending".
I also offer sats as payments, combining it with learning a tech skill is a good idea though.
I've noticed she already thinks twice about whether she really wants something because she is a stacker hoarder by nature lol
What LN Wallet is she using? Check Alby Go, it's really user-friendly and minimalistic.
Charge her a 2% spread fee. Prepare her for the real world. šŸ¤£
a valuable lesson in the non-KYC premium!
This is a great strategy. Using and holding says is the best way to learn.
How does they get sats do they earn them or just buy them?
Excellent initiative... I'm trying to do something similar with my 7-year-old daughter. She's already hearing terms like inflation, currency devaluation, among others, and the truth is that she understands it quite well. On the other hand, my wife. She started this later, but once I showed her that bitcoin had power and that we were wrong, that we didn't know anything about the real economy and daily money. Little by little she's been going down the rabbit hole šŸ° and she doesn't stop learning every day.
Get your wife on nostr zapping. That should do it.