"Editor's note: This article was updated on October 11, 2022, at 11:19 am ET to reflect that the Lightning Network never crashed, but instead came out of sync after missing one block."
Let's not mince words. It broke. Software breaks all the time. We should be thankful that the bug was found / fixed and learn from the issue so we can build back better/faster/stronger
We need attackers. We need creative hackers. Wildfires. Adversaries.
It's kinda concerning that the bug was found by some random (and not very far fetched) experiment.
LND broke. CLN was still running. At the time of the "outage" I was still able to send invoices to recipients via CLN nodes.
Does that sound like it broke to you?
What happened is a "partial outage".
That sounds much better than what was written in the article (which implied the whole network went down)
I was online at the time and have transactions going through my CLN nodes as evidence.