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People talk to themselves for various reasons, including problem-solving, reasoning, planning, motivation, and attention. Self-talk is common, and experts believe talking to yourself outloud can help you process your thoughts in a healthy, productive way.
Found this article here while I was reading cross article for conversation.
I do talk often to myself and I know my reasons but...
Why Do You Talk to Yourself?
I have an inner dialog. I talk to myself all the time inside. I also pray inside.
Externally I will solve problems by voicing the construct of ideas so that I can hear what I am working on. I also visually take objects and manipulate them.
As a very young person 2 to 3 years old I was verbally trying to make speech in order to get along with the other humans I saw. I would just make up nonsense and pretend I was emoting the great speech patterns of those adults around me. I faked it until I made it.
Voice is very powerful and it is a tool. It is an instrument. There are masters and sorcerers of this stuff.
If you find yourself speaking out load it is best to use the smartest language and reason possible. This is how you control the eaves dropping parasites.
Prayer out load is very powerful because the Supreme Godhead likes to know he's not the only one having a good time.
Only way I get a decent conversation 🤣🤣
I usually use that response when I was actually talking to someone and they weren't listening. I'll say "don't worry, I was talking to myself, only way I get a decent conversation"
I talk therefore I am!
I do it too, and there was a time that I was ashamed of it, I thought it was odd, but now I've learned to embrace it.
I witness it on my little one as well, self-talk is his preferred way of internalising new things, learning. It's a big part of his pretend games.
My wife died it all the time. Without it, I think she'd go insane! lol.
I believe that the ability to verbalise all the impressions we're confronted with is what thinking is about. They all go hand in hand. This is why when speech is banned, people's ability to think gets automatically reduced...
My wife does so, but I actually don’t. Just don’t have the habit. Though I write essays in my head
Thank you everyone for commenting on this post. I appreciate your views on it.
Because I like stimulating conversations.
Usually because I'm bored.
This is a normal thing to talk to yourself about, because every time there is a problem you will definitely think about the solution, so if there is a problem you will definitely talk to yourself, considering that the problem is very fatal it will become a problem. . . burdens our minds, if I experience this problem, then the solution to overcome it is that I have to be cool-headed to face it, because if I rush, it is not certain that the problem will be resolved quickly.
Lol only person I can trust
Excellent resource, the truth is that I have always used it without really knowing its meaning. Talking to oneself is one of the most important ways of our day to day life. It helps us control the commands that we send to our mind constantly, allowing self-criticism, self-evaluation and internalization of the issues that we work on in our day to day life.
I talk to myself to keep the things I’m doing in order
I can’t help it. My mind constantly yaks haha
For all the above reasons, going on a walk and doing so really helps me.
I talk to myself to “weed the garden” for one reason. For another I talk to myself internally to work out whatever needs work.
I like to talk to myself (don't want to sound crazy) I feel when I need to express my feelings and I don't want people to judge, I can easily talk to myself
Because I love myself. 🤗
Most of the time I talk to myself to develop some argument, criteria and discernment about a topic I'm learning about, and I realize that this works very well when I'm walking. Sometimes in the middle of the process, a moment of lucidity appears and I think this is not normal, but I still don't stop 😂
Also, 90% of our inner talk is just trashed...
To be more mindful. There is even a method of debugging around this: rubber duck debugging
It seems to me that people with a negative inner voice talk to themselves more often. The goal is to suppress this negative voice. That's what I think. 🙋🏻‍♂️
I don’t talk to myself, but I often talk to other people in my head. Is it also considered talking to yourself, or it’s a different thing?))
Is that like rehearsing for a conversation you're planing to have in the future, maybe?
It is about thinking about something, which is part of being human. You need someone else to make you aware of your blind spots, and expand your understanding of the world.
I believe this is why we have conversations, and it's so vital to us that when there is no partner available, our mind will create one in our heads.
Yes and no, 90% of these conversations will never happen:)
Because I'm one of the most interesting, educated, stimulating, and fun people I've had the pleasure to converse with. :-)
Actually no. I never do in my first language, other than to swear something in some situations in which I haven't been/acted/seemed too clever.
I do talk aloud (and write ideas or notes) to myself in other languages, though, mainly English, simply to practice the language.