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Why do governments keep using children for their own ends?

On our way back from the city centre to our home by public transport, I saw this advertisement on the subway:
Roughly translated: I want a fair distribution of money.
Poor little Smilla, being used by her own overlord to propagate left-wing ideas she does not understand.
What a nice slogan, don't you think?
Yes, but how do we distribute it? Only down, not up. Forced redistribution will only make us all poor, not rich. Communism never worked and we don't want to try it again, thank you!
So next time Smilla says "I wish everyone was a millionaire". Ground her! Send her to her room and give her a book about Germany's hyperinflation where everyone was a billionaire!
Its the same propaganda the Nazis did with the Hitler Youth or the Greens did with their Fridays for Future Bullshit.
Our current educational system stifles young people's natural creativity and curiosity by forcing them to conform to a one-dimensional academic mold. Through this process of compulsory and mass education, childhood curiosity and the natural drive to learn are continually replaced by a system of social control that teaches children that their interests and observations no longer matter.
Our current educational system stifles young people's natural creativity and curiosity by forcing them to conform to a one-dimensional academic mold.
Totally agree!
Governments use children because they are large entities with literally zero morality that are only concerned with how much more of your freedom they can get you to agree to give up.
"Ein Hundert-Euro-Schein? Was soll das sein? Wieso soll ich dir etwas wegnehmen wenn wir alles teilen kann?"
You know I hate that song xD
Hey teacher leave that kid alone