We need more people willing to run tor nodes, even if only relays. I understand that running an exit node is not for everybody, especially in countries with tight internet laws; it can be a pain in the ass. But if you have the means and the disposition, please do.
Exit nodes are not needed for anything bitcoin related.
Not explicitly, but as you have more traffic, it becomes exponentially harder to track any given user. If Tor becomes unusable, we all loose something.
I ran a relay node for a long time and found a couple sites that would block traffic from me.
Yes running a relay node had traffic blocked.
Unfortunately now my upload speed is no longer symmetric.
Wait, what? That's very odd. Are you sure it is a causal relationship? Because only guard and exit node ip's are published and public.
Yup, it was the osu! website. Here’s a historical thread on it: https://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/topics/249550?n=7