In 1789, many gold holders had their head chopped in France.
Gold/bitcoin holders will get blamed for everything. Gold/bitcoin holders will be the reason we have climate change, gold/bitcoin holders will be the reason behind inflation, oil prices, food prices.
Source? Sounds like it would be a fun read. You could maybe even make it its own post
Dang it why can't Texas just be left alone to deal with the problems Texas has? If it were a problem, Texas would shut it down themselves. There is no reasonable excuse why the federal government needs to be involved.
An archive of the article is here. An archive has no paywall, no subscription requirement, and can be easier to read.

The letter [PDF] sent to ERCOT can be found here:
Why bother with this charade? This bunch is not there to learn. Warren is bought and sold by the big banks, so we already know what the results of their "probe" will be.
an important issue, glad to know shes on top if it