That's it? No more to the story? How's it going? They lose their keys yet? You help them back up their Bitcoin yet? Do you have a little in house store they can spend their bitcoin at? You give them bitcoin for chores? Come on, tell us the whole story!
Sorry I hit enter accidentally, the story is in the first comment above.
Answering your other questions, I backed their qr code yes. But I believe in effect it's a custodial wallet and I'm their custodian, so if they ever lost their phones etc. the funds are still with me.
No in house store they can spend bitcoin at but next time they want to buy stuff like game coins (like roblox, minecraft, etc.) I will refer them to bitrefill and there they can spend their bitcion.
Oh I see. What age are they? At first I thought maybe they were below the age where gift cards from bitrefill would be relevant. You know, like the age where you can trick them to accepting nickel for a dime because the nickel is bigger lol. That age where they're really still learning about money.
Nah, they are bigger (primary school). They spend a big amount of their time playing games, so at least they can earn some sats!
Bitcoin-native humans will do amazing things that are unthinkable to our corrupt fiat minds. Then again, they ought to look around once in a while, and appreciate how we got here :)