Kyc-free plattforms that need a wire transfer are NOT kyc-free. Don't fool yourselves.
Bitcoin in-person meetups are the way to go. Bisq and cash by mail are interesting and cool and everything. But meetups are just better.
That doesn't sound scalable. Platforms like Hodlhodl, Peach and Robosats are kyc-free for me, and scalable. No service collects my data, only the counterparty has access to it. And if you use e.g. Revolut, the counterparty only sees a first name. But good luck advocating for in-person-bought-btc-only.
You're right. Scalability is a problem.
Vouchers would be an alternative that does not expose my banking information.
Indeed, vouchers are an excellent alternative.
If you paid for the vouchers with CC, the voucher minter knows about you and can trace every voucher.
You are just adding an extra step.
physical cash, craigslist etc. ?
It's non-KYC from a centralized authority. It's KYC to each individual peer.
Each peer can figure out who you are with enough effort. No central authority can easily get a complete picture.
There is difference between providing your name, surname and IBAN only to counterparty you are dealing with vs providing this and more info to centralized exchange.
No, no difference. You're busted, that's it.
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