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This is, respectfully, one of the most BS nonsense communist communal wealth-confiscation mumbo-jumbo pieces of BS I have ever heard. Things in life are not 'free'.
Go to your local grocery store and tell the clerk (or the manager) the groceries should be 'free' for the purposes of 'community'. See what they say?
Or the car repair shop? Or the electronics shop? Or the clothes store? Or your mobile/cell phone provider?
Or your electricity/home utilities provider.
Being generous is one thing... but the world does NOT work that way. Show up at a restaurant, order a meal, then when you get the bill say 'oh but we need to be generous'. We have 'community' here 'there is no bill.'
'Love and connection is how I pay'. They'll say ???
Doesn't have to make sense for you to be my truth. I see your POV though. Also...
We save for the future to be able to consume. If we can't save...
Why work? Why expend effort? Why study? Why get up in the middle of the night (or any time) to pull a 'night shift' (for example) at work if we can't be rewarded with something scarce and desirable to have for future consumption?
Someone else will want that 'thing' in the future which we've earned... for which we can trade for goods and services. The alternative is... ???
This post is really about abundant mindset vs. scarcity. Stacking is the best way to save for sure. 👇