Here are a few I know: Someone did a 998 of 999 multisig transaction a couple of days ago and LND and a bunch of nodes went down. A fix has already been implemented. Bitcoin Core nodes used to be miners as well, mining with CPUs. GPUs were already mining Bitcoin in 2010, and then ASICs in 2012. Lazlo, who famously spent 10,000 BTC on 2 Papa John's pizzas, admitted in an interview that he spent over 100,000 coins after that on more pizza and other items.
50% of bitcoins supply was mined during the 4 year period when the block subsidy was 50 ₿
25% of bitcoins supply was mined during the 4 year period when the block subsidy was 25 ₿
12.5% of bitcoins supply was mined during the 4 year period when the block subsidy was 12.5 ₿
Keeps going…
Pretty neat!
Love that Satoshi created the system like this, very convenient!
From memory;
During the 2017 hash wars an anonymous Bitcoin OG posted a very thought-out criticism of a simple block size increase and gave a great explanation of why LN and other second layer solutions will be the most viable method for Bitcoin to scale to the masses whilst retaining and promoting decentralisation on the network over the long-term. He signed the message with a transaction from an old wallet to validate his claim of being a Bitcoin OG. The original text was posted on and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to find it again, I wouldn’t know where to begin looking for it and I only stumbled across it by chance as I was researching arguments from both sides of the scaling debate.
Wow, thanks for sharing this piece of history. The Blocksize wars book was a fun read but I don't remember hearing about this specific post.
Sadly you’ll just have to rely on this anonymous Bitcoiners fading recollection of the post. Like I said, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to relocate that post.
It certainly did help me a lot at the time though.
A lot of what Satoshi did was not intelligent. His big innovation comes from combining merkle trees and Adam Back's hash cash. He just made of blender of existing works and it worked out well for Bitcoin, but don't be fooled into thinking that means he was an infallible genius.
Imagine, you download Bitcoin core and you have to wait for a week for it to download because of all the games and marketplaces that are prepackaged with the software.
Hal Finny is the reason the full blockchain download doesn't take longer than it currently does.
So don't take anything Satoshi said as gospel. Think for yourself. A single person is an idiot. A city of well learned people, correcting each other's mistakes, is collectively smart.
Thanks for sharing this. Makes me laugh even harder at BSVers who worship Satoshi's posts, even the non intelligent ones. No one is perfect, great point nerd2ninja!
This is so true. As much as I idolize Satoshi, Bitcoin would not be what it is today if it wasn't for every developer who contributed towards the construction of the Blockchain.
сатоши майнил один очень долго... почему?