15 Million Indians own some form of Cryptocurrency. India has the largest number of blockchain developers around the world. With 65% of the population in the working age group, it is the largest and youngest working age population in the world.
Being the fastest growing economy in the world and the largest population by 2027, the impetus to the blockchain revolution that adoption in India can provide is massive.
Also, the digital economy space in India buzzing. Store owners and vendors are adopting cashless payments in the millions. This behavioural change amongst the masses provides a key base when it comes to cypto adoption.
The only impediment at present is the regulation uncertainty. A more receptive and open government stance towards blockchain tech and it's potentialities can revolutionise the space in India. It's just a matter of reaching the tipping point before a billion and a half individuals can be orange pilled
Hmm, but as you said its crypto. So why? If it were for payments, it would only be something of value. Bitcoin has value because of its properties, which make the iron fist of government irrelevant. In spite of this, they are both afraid of government and using crypto which is weak and vulnerable to the iron fist of government.
Yes, why indeed.
Believe it's a matter of time till a critical threshold of users who adopt the new tech and have faith in it before the general fear is subdued - both the government as well as the tech itself