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Here's my best try:
during the transition period, when bitcoin is merely proto-money and thus appreciate at insane rates, I'm sure a lot of Bitcoiners are/will become lazy as you say. Their command over real goods and services increase passively faster than they could toil away at a dead-end job... so, they quit, get lazy etc.
But it passes, and their sats ultimately have to be redistributed to others who work (for them and others). And then, on a better monetary standard, the punishment for not-giving-a-damn and no longer providing value = destitution. So there's a pretty harsh stick coming
Good answer.
In the long run, if we're on a Bitcoin standard, I would anticipate price stability. Thus holding Bitcoin without working would be like staying still... you can't survive on staying still, you still have to work.
I remember reading somewhere that prices were so stable during the middle ages that people thought of prices as inherent characteristics of goods... it's only in modern times that prices keep going up because of endless money printing
All interesting answers. Giving me food for thought. Thank you
Nah, this is a misunderstanding between gold (really, commodity money) and bitcoin. They have different macro effects (#749912), so we won't have stable prices -- neither non-volatile nor long-run regression-to-the-mean price level
Similar question was raised here: #810054.