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I think SN is better to spread by word of mouth. People that you actually know and interact with. I wouldnt want to invite someone that abuses SN. Once we allow that kind of riffraff in, it will only get worse.
With pay to post it doesn’t matter who we let in.
If they’re posting value, they will earn sats. If they don’t produce value, they will go broke and leave.
When you bring garbage, and then everyone has to sift through that garbage because you arent even on that often.... Is it really better for the community?
Pay to post prevents the garbage though.
It doesnt prevent it, it just limits it.
That’s fair but without a constant incentive/reward, they won’t stick around.
That is why it is better to grow slowly with better people. People that you trust that share the same morals. Or you will have people that will milk the system by posting the similar things day in and day out. I do believe it would be good for SN to grow.
Impossible to keep bad actors out, but no need to, that's what the SN incentives and costs are for.
Right, but it is better to minimize it as much as we can before we let them enter. One bad actor can bring in a crowd of unwanted people.
We want a crowd of people who pay to post.
The more the merrier, as they're all paying participants. Same concept as there being no spam transactions.
100% this. hashcash but for content!