You once shared with me a profound truth about happiness—that it's found in the delicate balance between freedom and love. Not just one or the other, but both intertwined. Happiness, you explained, isn't about possessing things or accumulating wealth, but about existing in a space where your heart is truly free to love, and where love gives you the wings to be truly free.
I remember how you spoke about generosity, not as a transaction, but as a sacred act of the heart. You mentioned that happiness is not determined by what we receive from the world, but by what we offer without anticipating anything back. It's about generating significance in the current moment.
And you lived this philosophy. You gave freely, selflessly, understanding that in giving, one becomes richer than any wealthy person could ever imagine. Each act of generosity was a light, illuminating not just the moment, but the entire landscape of human connection.
How fortunate I was to have known you—the most beautiful light in this sometimes dark world, who taught me that true wealth is not found in possessions, but in the boundless capacity of a generous heart.