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Visualizing Global Deaths Every Hour, by Country
In 2023, nearly 62 million lives were lost worldwide—an average of around 7,000 deaths every hour.
These numbers reflect the impacts of aging, illness, and conflict, and we further look into the countries with the most deaths every hour.
Data is sourced from the latest UN Population Prospects and figures are rounded.
Put together, nearly one-in-three deaths every hour occur in India or China.
Going through the rest of the list, the U.S. (340) and Nigeria (305) have nearly the same number of hourly deaths, as do Indonesia (242), and Russia (205).
These six countries account for half of all global deaths every hour.
For two of them, Russia and China, their death rate is currently higher than their birth rate, and with low immigration, both their populations are officially shrinking. đź”— Visualcapitalist
China's one child policy is paying off its benifits now.
For this reason, the limit of one child per couple in China was revoked I even read that they are giving a financial incentive to have children in China, but as everything in the country is a bit nebulous where citizens do not have freedom of expression and the journalistic class works under censorship it is difficult to know what happens inside