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i do vote but it s a blank ballot paper, as a disagrement
Mistake. By registering for voting you already gave up your rights as a sovereign individual. It really doesn't matter what you do with the ballot.
See also here: #649361
I won’t even register to vote. I have no authority to tell someone else to steal from a third party to give to me. It is morally repugnant. I don’t steal and have no authority to tell my agents to do that for me. The government is supposedly my agent and the agent for other people as well.
i understand your point view... but i m not that kind of person, at least for the moment, that will put its id card, social security number to the bin. and to live in a cave or in the middle of the forest/mountain.
but don't tell me that by voting with a void ballot you are "fighting the system"... that's bullshit.
live in a cave or in the middle of the forest/mountain.
That's exactly the mindset of a statist midget indoctrinated by state propaganda... You can be very well a sovereign individual and live in a city like other people. (aka sheeple) because cities are in fact human farms.
And what is wrong with living outside the city? Demonizing the "outsiders" is exactly what state propaganda says.
Wow, is there no easing up on the confused?
How do you do to be sovereign: -when you do not have the money to move outside where your live? -if you are married with kids ? -How do you do for your kids and medical care ? -How do you to visit your familly abroad ? -When you are older ? ...
May be you will see as excuses, but it s a reality...
This meme respond to all your questions (if you understand it)
What you describe with your questions, is like you are depending 100% of what a gov will say, do or give you... "papa state" and you are the child. Stop being a child, be a grown up man and be responsible.
We usually call it “the nanny state”. It is even more derogatory than “papa state”. The meaning is you have a hired mother substitute, not even the real thing, poor you.
If you want to become free, you should never think of freedom. Only look at the ropes which bind you. If you cut these ropes which bind you, there is some sense of freedom. Then you realize, there is another set of ropes that bind you.
If you cut that, there is freedom. But then you notice there is another set. It does not matter how many sets of ropes bind you, there must be a point where if you cut enough of them, nothing binds you anymore, right? The number may be big, but still, it cannot be infinite.
Only freedom can be infinite. Bondage cannot be limitless. Only freedom can be limitless. This is not just semantics and ideas. In terms of life’s experience, don’t waste your time talking about or thinking about freedom or the Ultimate. The body is a limitation, the mind is a limitation, emotions are limitations – but they are also possibilities. Look at what binds you now, and see how to transcend this. This is growth.
In my country void ballot is not recognized. It is just to show my disagrement...a sort of "expresion"