The video I'm asking you to find is the one that I remember, from this post When did you realize that wokeness was a real threat? My story....
Here's everything I remember about it:
- pretty sure it was a medical school professor, talking
- I think it was something more public than just a medical school class. I think it might have been a talk at a seminar, or a commencement speech, something like that
- It was a male professor
- Pretty sure it was in California.
- I think it went something like this - talking about childbirth (or something related), he used the word woman, then immediately recognized what he'd done, and started apologizing, looking down.
- I'm guessing it was around early covid, but it's possible it was a little before that. I don't think it was in the past couple years.
- It could have been on something like Twitter, but maybe not.
I would love for someone to find this video so I can watch it again, and see if I'm remembering correctly. Also if someone else finds it - I'd like to learn how to do that kind of research. Also is often a better search for politically incorrect things like this (but I didn't find anything on it).
Here's a somewhat related article - it might give you ideas on what keywords to use, etc.
If you find it, please tell me and then...tell me how you did your research!
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