Join Car and Super to discuss Stacker News top posts, Car & Super favorite posts of the week, and top stackers.
We discuss:
  • RoboSats, the popular P2P lightning exchange, once again reported record volume for September. They exchanged 11.26 BTC in September, a 23% increase from August.
  • New stacker @juan has an idea for onboarding no-coiners to Lightning and is looking for teammates to build it during the Bolt.Fun Legends of Lightning hackathon.
  • Gift sats without losing them
  • Nik Bhatia, founder of The Bitcoin Layer and author of Layered Money. AMA.
  • Dennis from the BTCPay Server team here, AMA!
and why Super loves to send Car sats for ice cream. For the week of October 7th, 2022.
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