Maybe in times of duress it's a good idea to make time locked transactions that will make certain that the bitcoin utxo will only be available in 6, 12, 24 months?
Like governments of old sold 'War Bonds' with messages like America Needs YOU! we could make it cool or hip to do a similar thing in the broader bitcoin space, maybe?
I'm pretty sure it's already possible, but seems silly to me. Just have discipline and set some goals.
Allegedly, Svetski did this with his bitcoin.
@moel For what it is worth, I think that this is an incredibly deep topic and worthy of discussion. We can leave the war analogy out of it, but ultimately what you are (I believe) pointing out is that there could be a valuable signal which the bitcoin community can send. It might be faint at first, but it would be a start.
Time-locked utxos (or the more esoteric, work-locked1 utxos) might be an additional way to measure bitcoin's commitment to its own future.
What is the intention of this? To stop the price from going down in times of war?
  1. Associating Bitcoin with war is idiotic. Bitcoin is anti-war
  2. Don't copy like a parrot what govs are doing
  3. This will not help in any way Bitcoin.