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Hardware wallet - look at open source, built from commonly-available components - Seed Signer (https://seedsigner.com). You can also buy it pre-assembled from them if you don't want to make it yourself, it's still cheaper than other wallets. (To buy a pre-assembled one, go to the bottom of this page - https://seedsigner.com/hardware/.
It's not advertised, of course, so you don't hear about it on podcasts, etc. But it's a very solid product, and has great support (very active and helpful group on Telegram). It's more in keeping with the ethos of Bitcoin, and at this point I don't trust most of the commercial wallets, especially Ledger.
And also there's the knowledge that every single time you hear about a hardware wallet on a podcast, etc - they've been compensated for advertising it. I'm not against compensation or advertising, but you need to keep that in mind when evaluating products.
Also - what about time-locking in this context? Haven't experimented myself, but it sounds interesting. There's this article - https://www.athena-alpha.com/time-locked-multisig/. Not sure it has to be multi-sig though, I don't think so.
How well does the multi-sig signing work with the QR codes work? Sometimes they are a little difficult.