I am really trying to approach Bitcoin out of CEX, but it seems a jungle to me, non-custodial wallets are very complex and understanding all the Bitcoin protocols and updates isn't easy, I fear losing funds by using the wrong protocol/address... with Ethereum is much more straight forward.
with Ethereum is much more straight forward.
OMG... you are deeper into shitcoinery than I can imagine!
Start reading, I wrote several guides about Bitcoin and Lightning Network on my substack. Start here:
  1. https://darthcoin.substack.com/p/21-reasons-why-bitcoin-will-save
  2. https://darthcoin.substack.com/p/getting-started-ln
  3. https://darthcoin.substack.com/p/bitcoin-commandments
  4. https://darthcoin.substack.com/p/bitcoin-be-your-own-bank-think-like
BTW in my life experience, I have learnt that NOT the best technology always wins (that's unfortunate but...); most of the time it is the technology with the best user experience and the best marketing that wins; it happened to me in the past many times, also in my job experience. I hope Bitcoin will conquer the world but right now it is very far from being user-friendly, much work has to be done for users in my opinion. I read your articles, they are excellent and I am still learning. But until Bitcoin is only for Bitcoin gurus and Bitcoin guys, it will lose a big opportunity. What do you think of Ledger and hardware wallets in general for Bitcoin? I am trying to move my few Bitcoin to Ledger but I find it difficult. Thank you