⚡️ Don't force close channels if they are offline. Wait until your peers update.
See also another post, found here on SN, for discussion on the underlying issue fixed in this release:
lnd cant sync to chain due to taproot bug #79391 https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/issues/7002
Already updated my node!
more details on the bug
it was actually a bug with btcd limiting the witness items to 11000 instead of updating to post TR limit (which is an implied limited based on ~4MB block size)
Did you experience a crash or anything beforehand? Genuinely curious :)
No crash ;)
lnd was not synced with the bitcoin chain since it could not validate those taproot transactions. Afaik, you cannot do anything if your lightning node is not up-to-date on the chain tip.
Also, I noticed that 4 out of my 7 open channels were offline.
Thanks for sharing
Anyone know how to update on Umbrel, my channels are all offline
Go to 'Apps', you should see an 'update all' button.
Newb to the LN. I installed LND through BTCPay Server some time ago.
Does anyone have a simple guide on any steps that need to be taken? I could go the SSH route and such but just wondering if there's anything special that needs to be done for BTCPayServer.
Also, I haven't upgraded and I just tried to send a transfer to a peer node and it worked fine. Am I missing something?