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that's it. that's the endeavor i'm set on taking on very soon.
it's been six and a half months since i've been home from japan. and even though life has continued to move forward, i have gone into sync of this continuous wavelength of sameness. other than writing my book's first draft (which i am currently 106 pages into), everything feels bland.
it's the same town. with the same places to eat, places to go to, and places to hang out.
the same people, with the same conversations, drama, and complaints.
the same vibes and attitude toward how life deep down kinda sucks for them and how "nothing" can be done about it.
i love home with all my heart, but it's draining to be surrounded by people and things that have never experienced big monumental change.
sometimes, there's something within you that just cracks.
sometimes, you just need to say fuck it, and you decide to take the leap you've always wanted to take.
and amongst all of it, have the belief and faith everything will continue to fall into place from there.
well that moment is here again. at the same time it was in 2023 when i signed my paperwork to work in japan.
is this what it means to have a passion // purpose in life? a goal that burns within you so much you want nothing more to achieve it beyond anything else?
because there's nothing more i want than to do this right now.
i hope to write out how my travels and book writing are going more often here now that i have more time.
for around five months, it will just be a backpack and myself. wish me luck! <3
  • your favorite booksta.... traveler, stacker, writer, authoring person....?
(sats for support are so greatly appreciated on this next journey if you have any to spare. thanks so kindly in advance during this crazy time in life!)
Awesome. I think traveling around different countries and meeting new people is one of the best ways to grow. Good luck with everything.
Thanks @Rothbardian_fanatic for summoning me.
Most people don’t like change. You and I belong to that rare breed of intrepid travellers who like change, so of course we must pursue our wanderlust with all our heart. Home will always be there.
I think it’s best to have a plan in mind. Other than SN, do you have a personal blog/IG/TikTok account? I registered my blog with Google Adsense and cross-posted my SN writing on it. In Japanese, there is a saying 継続は力なり (Continuance is strength). I post obsessively on my blog every day for petty cents. But I think it’s vital to establish a regular posting routine. Many things crop up during travelling, so if you don’t internalise that habit, you find that your output is actually less than in your normal life.
For example, I wake up one hour earlier before my kids to blog. That’s the sacrifice I make for my passion ;)
It looks like @speakingyourtruth could use some advice! It looks like he wants to head to Japan some time in the future. Perhaps he could use some help.
OK, sorry to be mistaken. I will correct it in further posts and comments.
I highly recommend yamatomichi in Japan [ https://www.yamatomichi.com/ ]. Site very informative - English / Japanese - for all aspects on going ultralight. Direct to customer sales - again very well done. I'm used to Patagonia - large sizing for tops is perfect - yamatomichi sizes large a bit smaller so I go for xlarge and it works. For bottoms large is fine.
3 weeks in Nepal with their mini backpack at 30L and again it worked. Internally packed using exped fold dry bags [ waterproof ]. Poles from the UK company - Trail Blaze Mountain King - ultralight carbon fibre. Waterfilter Grayl titanium.
Vivo barefoot for shoes.
Hope this helps :-)
I highly recommend yamatomichi in Japan [ https://www.yamatomichi.com/ ]. Site very informative - English / Japanese - for all aspects on going ultralight. Direct to customer sales - again very well done. I'm used to Patagonia - large sizing for tops is perfect - yamatomichi sizes large a bit smaller so I go for xlarge and it works. For bottoms large is fine.
3 weeks in Nepal with their mini backpack at 30L and again it worked. Internally packed using exped fold dry bags [ waterproof ]. Poles from the UK company - Trail Blaze Mountain King - ultralight carbon fibre. Waterfilter Grayl titanium.
Vivo barefoot for shoes.
Hope this helps :-)
What did you do in Japan, teach English on a one year contract? Not near enough time to get to know the place! You could try traveling onwards. There is a whole world out there to be discovered and lots of people to meet and talk to. I know, been there and done that.
I plan to go back during my time traveling again! This time I will be in a more cultural oriented exchange and I hope this will open my eyes even moreso!
You might try traveling other places before you reach your destination. That way you can experience a variety of cultures and places before you dive back into Japan. You might also try looking into @cryotosensei for some insight into Japan. He is there now.