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Many have productively labored from 2020-2024 identifying who is doing the bidding of, essentially, the underworld — that dimension that we sophisticates thought did not exist, but that has revealed itself in the past four years to have somehow manifested abruptly, onto earth, to cohabit with us. This evil sought to seduce or intimidate those caught in the middle, unsure of what to believe and with whom to side; and to press to death, in effect, using threats, censorship and economic pressure, if not worse, the small band of resisters who saw this evil for what it was and fought it bravely from Day One.
It turns out that this malevolent dimension does not only exist, but that it deploys earthly armies: bureaucrats, functionaries, entire ad agencies, for God’s sake; scientists, physicians, hospitals, Presidential candidates.
This is a rambling, somewhat stream of consciousness writing about the search for the source of the evil coming to us. Interesting, coming from a former commie.
We are truly in interesting times. All will be revealed. Thanks for the share.
You’re welcome. I like to share the ones I find interesting, myself.