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I have heard a lot of talk about ass milking lately. From my understanding it is a great method to make more satoshis. Obviously I want as many as I can get. To get started I have started up 3 new accounts on stacker to boost my main account. But I still feel a little lost. I am not sure where to go from here.
What are the best ass milking techniques that you know of? Is there any down sides to milking an ass? Who coined the term? Maybe they can teach me some techniques. I want to learn as much as I can so I can be rich. Thanks for all your inputs.
This is like asking scammers how to scam. @Imyourfed will never reveal that secret.
Whaaat ? Milk an ass ? That sounds awful, and yet I'm suddenly interested because it sounds like that's the way to grow a platform.
Here is a leaked conversation between DesertDave and Iamyourfed and how the assmilking is revealed
It's the best way to earn sats is what I hear. I'm just not clear on the specifics. I know you generally want a couple "sock-puppet" accounts to get started. Is it like from a human ass? Do you sell the milk for sats?
Why isn't he doing it from the back though. I am so confused. Why is it ass milking if it's not from the ass and how is he making sats?
that meme is depicting how @Imyourfed is milking you
Assmilking is just a perception. Some people love their own shit (you know who's it) and most of the time it's the personal grudges they hold because you don't give a damn about what they post or don't agree on their shit (you again know who's it lol).
hello mister copy/paste shitGPT
depends, is it a female or a male ass?
Whatever gets me the most sats.
I can't speak for everyone, but I like two fingers.
Haha. That's a sure way to a quick release.
Grab the teet properly, squeeze in repetitive, wave-like motions. Out comes the milk
Thank you. I am taking notes. Isn't this titty milking? And when do I get paid sats? Are asses and titties one in the same?
2 fingers it is , @Aardvark knows how to get things done.