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You have to go back to the core of the issue: why do they drink? One has to be honest with him/herself and answer that for starters. If it's for pleasure, take the edge off, that is totally fine, just know your limits and be responsible. That's 70-80% of the population in my fake stats (gut estimate). The rest have issues and I get that but you have look inside and find the reason why and work on that. Everyone wants to get F-up once in a while, that's OK and that's why prohibition didn't work...lol. The real reason why people drink is different for each individual. Bad boss, girlfriend, wife left, etc... fill-in the blanks. Analyze the problem and try to fix it, if you care enough about yourself and your health long term (that's another topic for another time). If one chooses to ignore the problem and only throw a quick fix at it (another drink) that is a choice and not a "disease". My opinion is, that's all in your head, what people do with that is another story. You can go to 20 rehabs (people do) but if you don't want to quit drinking, then you won't. You have the power, not the pill. That goes not only for alcohol but many aspects of life, once you understand that, it's easier to deal with the problem you facing. "First step in fixing the problem is to admit you have one" is an old saying but it holds a lot of water. YMMV of course.
It makes no business sense to develop expensive drugs for to address the root cause, rather Pharma companies simply help patients to manage their symptoms.
Addressing the root cause, in this case, doing the introspective work, has to be done by the individual, and there is no drug for this. I am increasingly convinced that only a few people can do this arduous work on their own. For the others, there will always be Ozempic, thank God!
That is a good observation, big pharma's job was never to heal you, only maybe promise to try to heal you and separate you from a lot of cash in the process. Great business model, if you ask me.
You very obviously have no fucking clue what you're talking about. You've clearly never experienced addiction.
Sure, if it's easier for you to blame the world of addiction and take not an ounce of responsibility for it, go ahead, have at it.... You are the victim and there is nothing you can do about it... cry me a river.
Who the fuck is blaming the world? Who is crying victim? Nobody.
You're talking out of your fucking ass dude. You don't understand addiction.
When I say You, I don't mean "You" you, I mean the one who has an issue, and you are right, I don't. It's a made-up word for pussies who can't look themselves in the mirror and stand up to reality. It is still a choice. That's just my opinion, no reason get exited or personal about it.
You choose whether or not you drink. You don't choose whether or not you're an addict.
You're way off base.