A NOSTR Friend posted this:
The deeper you go, higher you get.

It made me zap and think:
Hence the sinister plot on diverting your attention daily preventing deeper investigation. This is the checkered floor of the Freemason's Lodge. Just black and white hopping around mindlessly from what is right to what is wrong and thinking that in order to get to this white square I must go through this black square.
Definitely a sinister, aka left handed, plot against you to keep you retarded. While telling you it's not nice to say, "retarded".
Traditionally the left hand is used to clean your butt while the right hand is used to give and receive good things.
Obviously if you only have one hand you are not part of the decision making matrix of culture. You do the best that you can. But you don't give up on culture. You learn to be a coach and you set up protocol for yourself that is even more stringent.
The sinister controllers will always want you to dumb down and handicap to the lowest common denominator. This ensures degeneration of all healthy and positive culture.
Diving deep is very healthy if guidance is obtained by the ones who have successfully navigated before you. These are few and far between and there are plenty of hucksters who have set up shop at the base of the New Age mountain ready to carry you to the darkest regions of discord.
If you doing something insightful please zap some sats to the authors.