Since Bitcoin went in clouds all earning apps are ghosting us?!
Once upon a time not so long ago fountain changed their whole appearance (except the colors) haha Someone decided that they should not benefit anymore to People who watch their podcasts, listen to them and gift people who deserve that. I got use to some podcasters so I continued to use the app. Last week or so everyday something is not In the plaće, especially since they launched fountain radio.
But that is not all, last time when they launched new app they cut off 75% of earnings, now they cut off 15 more.
For me now that is funny and I'm laughing with myself.
if they continue to do such things people will go use some other alternatives.
I have ADHD and if something is not where I left it my day is really really really bad.
I deleted the app and I will be much callmer.
What do you think about the whole SITUATION?