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If you use Electrum on TailsOS offline, why do you want to break that offline part and go online?
Don't you know how to use Electrum offline? You just have to prepare the tx, sign it and then save the whole tx code onto a txt file on a memory stick. Then from any other PC online with a dummy Electrum you just broadcast that tx already signed. There's not even need to connect to your own node.
That is really nice. So to recap, when creating your own Bitcoin transaction you don't need to connect to your own node. Does this mean there's also no privacy issue? You're not leaking data?
When using a watch-only wallet, where you've imported your xpub, I assume that you need to connect your own node for that to see your balance among others.
You're not leaking data?
Nothing. You are just sending an encrypted message. LOL you guys did not play enough with your wallets.
This is misleading to me. At some point you have to connect to your own node or somebody else’s to verify you received a valid transaction. Yes once you’ve verified that you can create and sign the transaction offline and use whatever node you want to broadcast it.
Why misleading? Is the truth. Yes, the tx is already signe offline, there's no risk whatsoever to broadcast it from whatever wallet app.
A signed tx is just a string. I can paste that string in whatever other wallet app (even that is not my wallet too!) and just broadcast it. Is like sending a message, encrypted.
At some point you have to connect to a node to prepare the transaction to sign.
To build a tx and sign you do not need a node. You are already using a confirmed UTXO. You only need a node to broadcast an already built and signed tx and that can be any node and wallet app.
For example, I am offline on a laptop using a TailsOS with Sparrow. I build my own tx and sign it. Copy that raw tx string and pass it to you, over a txt file or SMS. You take it and paste it into your OWN wallet, connected to whatever node and broadcast it. Done.
You cannot steal my sats and you cannot change it, because it contain my encrypted signature. If you change it, any bit of it, is void.
Great explanation. I'm going to dive more into how this works and play around with this.
I understand all that. My point is you cannot get the confirmed utxo without connecting to a node.