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This isn't the answer. It'd be wise of you if you can mention why you guys play a FOOT-BALL with your hands.
However you should know that Football is the term that's widely used in Europe. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Football&wprov=rarw1
Then what the hell is soccer? Football is the top sport over here, too.
I see you're getting frustrated. Job done. Soccer is the term that you and Canadians use to refer to real (Association) Football (The most popular sport).
Actually Football is not a single game. Even Rugby is referred to as Football at sone places.
Maybe you all should stop calling everything "football". We use different names for each sport, which is much less confusing.
Maybe you guys stop calling your game Football because it's just a rekt version of Real Football. American Football actually mocks the real Football. The real Football has rules and has a goal post but you guys tempered with everything for your amusement. As I said only America and Canada uses word soccer because they even want to steal the name.