Batman, Robin, and Alfred wake up tied to chairs. They each have a number on their forehead. They can't see their own numbers, but they can see each others'.
The Riddler's voice pipes in from the intercom: "I've put a positive integer on each of your foreheads. Two of the numbers add up to the third. If any of you can guess your own number, you're all free to go. But if any of you guess wrong, Gotham City is blowing up!"
Batman starts by saying, "I don't know my number." Robin then says, "Neither do I." Then finally, Alfred, "Nor I." But after a few seconds, Batman says, "I now know my number!"
If Robin's number was 20 and Alfred's 30, what number did Batman have?
First stacker with the correct answer along with a complete explanation gets 1,000 sats!
1,000 sats paid
B = 50
. If not, I don't see how to solve it.b=50
, then Alfred would have known his answer, because only equation (3) gives a valid combination of numbers for both Robin and Alfred. The other valid combination is obtained by Equation (2) and (1), respectively, for Robin and Alfred. However, he did not know the answer, in which case mustb=10
and that's what Batman says on his second round.