As a node operator, I just started a torrent client and downloaded the torrent magnet from I want to be a permanent seeder for the software.
However, I noticed that my during download the client showed only 20 seeders. My questions are: Are there only 20 seeders for the bitcoin software in torrent? Or something in that order? Seems really low IMHO. Does it make sense to permanently keep my torrent client seeding the bitcoin core software? I mean, does it help for decentralization?
torrents are also a much safer means of downloading as the file cannot be changed as it is distributed and so although the original torrent could be malware-- the longer it is seeded without issues and individually validated prior to install the safer it is as a file source
I did not know that. So it is good to support the torrent. Thanks!
I seed it from time to time, when torrent client is open on my laptop, not 24x7.
What is the magnet link? Are more people doing this?
Good stuff !