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Every time I sleep, even if a nap, I use my machine. I guess there are several different kinds of masks available. I use one that only covers my nose, a nosemask. I had to learn to breathe when sleeping through my nose only. It was no problem as it seems to clear out the nose if stuffed. I also found the temperature that felt most comfortable to me, you know, not too hot, not too cold, just right! You also have to make sure you have enough water to run through the night without going dry because you need the humidity. Make sure your headgear is comfortable, too. It has to be tight enough to cut off the leaks but not so tight that it hurts after a full night. As someone else said, you have to keep the tubes, masks and tanks clean. I do not like to use scented soaps on them because you have to live with that smell until it wears away and that is tedious. Change the filters as recommended, too. I use either rainwater or reverse osmosis water in the tank because tap water is terrible, unless you like bleach smells or the swimming pool. I can say I get a restful sleep when I use it and no longer scare my wife with stopped breathing at night.