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@Wumbo wins the pick 'em this week. I wonder which side is he?
Did he. I didn’t even look at it yet. My daughter is sick with a fever and she woke up crying. I saw the end of the game but didn’t get to reviewing the pick ‘em yet.
Ahh this change of season. Take care of her. She'll get well soon. She's a strong daddy's strong girl.
I think Wumbo has won 'cause he's the only one who picked the correct winners with correct tie breaker.
Yes, Wumbo won. Pretty sure he is in the US
I'm just giving a chance by mercy to US team by picking all wrong. It's better we have some close fight. But we're still miles ahead. I
There will be a bonus pick ‘em this week for the US thanksgiving games on Thursday. I will post it tomorrow (it’s still Monday for me for 15 more minutes)
Superb! Do you want me to ruin the Thanksgiving for them by winning it?
If Wumbo from US, What's the scoreline now?