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at 4 th/s, its mainly for lotto mining and shouldnt be considered in any serious way for profit. if you were mining with a pool, odds are your retail electricity costs will put you in the red, or if in the black the costs to recoup will be longer than the expected life of the miner. id guess if you were mining with say braiins youd get 300ish sats per day running without inturruption. as for the electricity, you gotta check your bill and see what you pay KW/hr, then do the math for the unit.
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Thanks. Would you say the 300ish SATs would be for pool mining or individual mining? Inform me on what you mean with brains? lol.
the 300 sats would be pooled mining. Braiins is a pool you could mine with. Solo mining is all or nothing, and at 4 TH/s your odds at current difficulty are to mine a block once every about 3600 years,thus 'lotto mining'