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Are you a merchant? Having a shop? Doing commerce? Selling stuff for BTC? Or even you have friends with shops that start accepting Bitcoin?
After a year, I'd be interested to bring up an old conversation, as it was really valuable! Share here your story (no need to give specific location details if you do not want to dox yourself), just explain how was your process and what would like to be better:
  • type of shop your have (online or pupusas)
  • type of commerce (retail, grocery, bar etc)
  • how was the onboarding process
  • what tools / apps you used, in the beginning and later
  • how you improved your use of bitcoin apps
  • how you consider bitcoin in your accounting (cash or "investment")
  • anything you would like to share
We need more voice from Bitcoin merchants! Speak loud!
this territory is moderated
I wonder if any of @OPAGO_PAY users are on SN to share their Bitcoin journey.
Let's not forget a little detail: if you have a shop and accept BTC, please share with us any video you have to show the world how you accept BTC, like this list I tried to maintain: https://darth-coin.github.io/merchants/bitcoin-lightning-payments-irl-en.html