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It is important to say that @hugomofn, clarified to me that NUNCHUK has been working with Testnet4 for some time now, something that for me was not the case from the transaction I tried to make and always received the message "network rejected".
Well after the clarification was made, I quickly went to try and indeed in one of the wallets, created some time ago, I received funds from a Testnet4 faucet, then I sent that UTXO to another of the wallets created before and boom, it is already waiting for confirmation.
SO I KEEP SAYING IT, FOR ME A 💎 this application. Thanks to the NUNCHUK development team.
It strikes me that it is not mentioned among the mobile wallets on the Estudio Bitcoin website.
Love to hear it, and you're welcome! :)
Hi @hugomofn. I've been testing NUNCHUK, I love it. But I'm stuck on importing a key using XPRV. Could you send me some information related to that topic? Thanks in advance.
It's Keys tab > Add key > Add software key > Recover existing key > Recover key via XPRV
Sorry. It seems I didn't explain myself well. I do understand that process. What I can't figure out is WHAT SHOULD I WRITE IN THE BOX?
Thank you so much for your help. I am currently in the middle of an educational program about Bitcoin and being able to properly understand and learn these concepts helps me a lot in teaching. Also being able to use the full potential of NUNCHUK and teach that potential is a blessing for us here, because as I have already mentioned this application is the Swiss Army Knife of Mobile Wallets.
Thank you again.
You enter the XPRV (which is short for "Extended private key"), encoded in base58 format. It's the same encoding used for XPUB ("Extended public key").
I suggest spending some time on https://iancoleman.io/bip39/ to get a better understanding of keys and encodings. Try generating a few keys. WARNING: Only use the site for learning; don't use it to generate keys for a real wallet!
The XPRV for the master key is labeled "BIP32 root key". XPRV strings have the prefix "xprv".