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Yamandú Orsi won the second round of the presidential elections in Uruguay on Sunday, according to official results revealed by the Electoral Court.
With 94.4% of the voting circuits counted, Orsi obtained a total of 1,123,420 votes compared to Delgado's 1,042,001.
Venezuelans did not learn from Cuba, Colombia did not learn from Venezuela, Uruguay did not learn from Argentina and Bolivia. The socialist/communist cancer continues to advance.
Politics are pretty irrelevant in Uruguay compared to other countries around the world.
Optics matter sure, but put the trigger-happy quotes aside, both ‘sides’ actually can sit in the same room without squabbling and move things forward.
Expecting very much a continuation and a stronger peso versus dollar and western countries in coming years. And probably a few more less-pretty tax policies.
Fiat and politics everywhere are on a slow burn to irrelevance. Everyone knows this already here though, right?
Think what we’re witnessing here and globally is people sick of the existing establishment and swinging like a pendulum side to side.
Uruguay is not going to change into Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Gorgonzola, or Cuba. Not for a good 25 years at least. History shows that once the rest of the world sorts itself out, it is then and only then that the country has a habit of electing some benevolent dictator. Not happening any time soon.
P.S. Uruguay is getting better each day that passes for me personally. Ignore the headlines and come check it out if you’re still interested. This time of year it’s a real treat.
I hope you are right in everything you say, Latin America has the habit of repeating patterns regarding the left. Uruguay also went through a bad period years ago. Generally people are confident and say "that will not happen here" and when they least expect it they are standing in line for 10 hours to buy 1 kilo of rice.
And there's this well-written stacker news post on Uruguay - didn't it get to a record-setting amount of zaps - 250 k?
I wonder what Doug Casey has to say about this, he's a US investor living (at least part-time) in Uruguay, and writes this - https://www.crisisinvesting.com/
Thanks for raising awareness of this again @Signal312. I forget that I spent so much time on that.
Doug I have no doubt will do a podcast on it soon. I know for a fact he has already encouraged many families to move out and settle in Uruguay permanently.
Just added my 2 sats above #782977
Thank you for commenting on your point of view. At this point in my life, I don't trust any politician, especially if he comes from the left. Chavez also said similar things. I even want to publish an interview with him here on SN. I need to put a subtitle on it.
I already want to know what your opinion is on this matter.
I can't really comment on it, I don't know enough about the subject. But it seems like a step back.
Yes, people just keep falling for the envy thing, don’t they? Envy those better off and try REDISTRIBUTING the wealth. They fall for it every time. They just don’t know that sooner or later it will be their lives being redistributed taken.
I really don't understand how at this stage of life they continue to fall into this. I mean, I do understand it, because I see and hear people with their resentful speeches who believe that others are to blame for the problems in their lives.
As I recall, envy is one of the seven deadly sins, isn’t it? Also, one of the commandments has something to do with envy, right? I think it is a human condition that will be very difficult to get rid of because of it being so basic and ingrained in us. Therefore, the communists ply it as part of their trade. That is how they get the people they will be mass murdering to cooperate with their plans.
There was one time when I had looked up the prices for skating classes for my daughter, and by chance I talked to the mother of one of my daughter's classmates. She asked me the price and I told her that the cost was 120 soles ($31.98) for 4 classes, 1 hour each class. I thought that was fine, it's a standard price for sports activities, there are some sports that cost more of course, but these classes really were a good price. She was surprised, and she responded alarmed and indignant saying "how is it possible that it is so expensive? That's too much, what do parents with several children do? How would I do if I have 3 children? That price is an outrage." I answered something silly so as not to tell her what I really thought, what I wanted to tell her was: If you have limited resources, why do you have so many children? Contraceptive methods in Peru are FREE (they give them to you in hospitals and health centers), secondly, each business has its niche of clients and you are not one of them, many, many people in this country have the financial means to put 5 children in skating classes. Obviously, I didn't say any of that out loud, I just thought it. I'm not in the best economic situation, let's say, but I recognize when prices are realistic and in line with the product or service and I'm aware that I'm the one who can't afford it and not that businesses should lower prices. Based on the thoughts of this lady who told you, they begin to sow these ideas of envy and "equity" of wealth.
Yes, and when they sow the wind, they reap the whirlwind. You can ask the Ceaușescus, both husband and wife how that turned out for them. I think that many people, on purpose, are not taught how to handle their envy. It is a disaster when it gets out of control.
Populist and socialist policies are difficult to eradicate as long as there are ignorant people in the world and poor people, they are the main target of these leaders.
Good news!
What is a modern left approach. Does that mean stealing private property without wearing military uniform?
It makes me angry every time I read "the left in Uruguay is not the same as in those other countries" "it is a different left". Shit is shit.
When you fail to learn a lesson you are doomed to repeat it.