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deodorant was a luxury and lemon with bicarbonate was the preferred option, it was a humiliating year. A ticket at that price will never be seen again in another life.
Totally true, I personally, without being exaggerated, did not use deodorant during that year, I used lemon with bicarbonate, when I arrived at the supermarket in the new country, it was the first thing I bought, and I looked like a fool in the aisle looking at so many different brands and models, something that had not existed in Venezuela for a long time.
and with the ticket... it is true that we will never travel so cheaply again. It depends on how we measure our existence, if we do it in bad money, life will become more and more expensive, if we do it in sats There is Hope!!! πŸ‘‹πŸ€  greetings, thanks for commenting
My defense mechanism makes me laugh, haha ​​the same thing happened to me when I left the country and entered a supermarket in Ecuador, seeing all the shelves full of food and things that were no longer available in Venezuela, I felt like a little girl in a toy store, I was excited to find a brand of soap that was never found in Venezuela again.