The role of breathing 👃to achieve long and pleasurable sexual relations🤙
If we implement some of the 'mindfulness' techniques to sex, we will achieve a greater physical and emotional connection with our partner when making love🙋
Nowadays, there are sexual relationships that can have a quick and impulsive component, but in the end what prevails is the tenderness with which we treat the other person, because without those slight and fleeting displays of affection the moment can turn into a simple 'hot flash' that can sometimes work, especially the first few times, but like any quick and volatile emotion it ends up losing intensity until it becomes somewhat repetitive.
On the other hand, practices such as deep and conscious breathing are, without a doubt, another of the factors that characterize a healthy and pleasant life.
In these times when stress and anxiety disorders are so common among the population as a result of the pandemic, many people have learned to live better with themselves thanks to these mental and spiritual relaxation techniques.
Now, what would happen if we managed to bring both together, sex with deep breathing, to give them a new joint meaning?
💭"With deep breathing, feelings of real and genuine connection are created: it is when, literally, we are making love"💭
This is one of the recommendations extended by Chelom E. Leavitt, psychologist and researcher of the relationship between sex and well-being, who has written an interesting article in 'Psychology Today' in which she addresses this connection.
According to her, both practices, sex and 'mindfulness' are not only a source of physical, mental and spiritual pleasure, but also one of the best ways to recognize ourselves, our body and our emotions.
On the one hand, the practice of conscious breathing👃 helps us develop full attention to our physical and bodily sensations.
It also serves to "slow down our thoughts and make room for emotions," she says. "Practicing mindfulness helps us be less critical of what we feel, as well as being more aware of our partner's emotions and not rushing or avoiding experiences.
It also allows us to slow down daily life, feel more compassion for ourselves and others, and identify the meaning that is sometimes overlooked in quick sex."
In fact, Leavitt demonstrated through an interesting study published in
'Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy' that slowing down the process of contact with the other body, as well as arousal, reduces anxiety, improves communication in bed, generates more satisfaction not only sexually, but also relationally, and increases the feelings of emotional connection that the subjects involved have. ///In this way, couples who experimented with deep breathing and mindfulness along with sex improved their relationships, while feeling them more pleasurable and more honest in relation to their desires.
💪Let's get to work💪
How do you put this experience into practice?/// First, "touch slowly and deliberately." Talk about what you feel when the other's hand caresses the surface of your skin. "Look directly into each other's eyes, don't be afraid to reach that level of deep intimacy."
In reality, as Leavitt says, "you are generating a feeling of love for the other person."
"Often, one of the synonyms for sex is 'making love', which refers to the emotional sensations that are generated outside of physical sensations and pleasure," explains the psychologist.
"It creates feelings of real and genuine connection, deep emotions: it is when we are literally making love. Relax. Feel the peace of the moment. Touch your partner in an authentic way. You just have to see the beauty in the relationship that you were not aware of by simply slowing down."