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So, I have been organising my Science notes to populate my blog. This gave me the idea for this post. What popular scientific misconception gets you all riled up?
Our Science syllabus loves to pose questions about white mist seen in a gamut of scenarios from a kettle boiling to the use of a dehumidifier.
That’s because popular culture tends to call this steam, so many adults don’t realise that the white mist is actually composed of water droplets.
How about you?
Schrödinger's cat has to be the worst one.
In popular culture, it seems like people think Schrödinger's cat was some sort of crazy experiment where a cat was simultaneously alive and dead until the box was opened, all explained by the craziness of quantum mechanics.
In actual fact it wasn't a real experiment, it was a thought experiment used to highlight the absurdity of quantum mechanical superposition. I've had people (non scientists) say to me how stupid physicists must be because Schrödinger's cat is obviously impossible in reality, not understanding that the impossibility of it is precisely the point of the thought experiment.
Never knew the story behind Schrödinger’s cat! Thanks for enlightening me