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The Biden administration has not given Ukraine carte blanche to launch missiles into Russia. The license comes with boundaries; the missiles can only be fired into the Kursk region of Russia that Ukrainian troops invaded in August.
The United States has given two reasons for their permission to use their missiles to strike the Kursk region. The Biden administration seems to have been tipped in favor of allowing the strikes by the introduction of North Korean troops into Kursk. The hoped for benefit would be deterring North Korea from sending more troops.
Yes, of course there are risks, the whole fing world turning into an ashtray!!! What sort of fing benefits could even start to weigh in against that? Psychopaths are leading our nation behind the Biden creature. When will we start making politicians take a psychopathy examination before taking office?
You are quite right, no war has brought any kind of benefit.
Well, there are benefits if you are looking to remove a population from the land they once occupied. Or if you wanted to wipe out a people. War is a great benefit for those kinds of evil purposes. THEY like it when some people are at war.
that is not beneficial my friend.
It must be beneficial to someone, otherwise it would not be done! There is someone that has great benefit by having wars going on. In the US, the “defense” manufactures benefit greatly when munitions are being expended. Note that THEY are sending munitions as fast as THEY can fake the books to send more.