I just sent a 7.9 euro tx
You are not sending euro over LN, you are sending sats.
Am I missing something obvious?
Yes, you are missing that Muun is the worst wallet ever. And is NOT a LN wallet, is just an onchain wallet faking LN txs with submarine swaps. That's why you are paying insane fees.
See more details in this article about comparing LN wallets. Pay attention to details about Muun. https://darthcoin.substack.com/p/lightning-wallets-comparison
lol, that is ridiculous. I was expecting something like that! Thanks for the heads up.
And yeah, ack it's not euro - I'll try to modify the lingo. I was trying to give a better sense of amount of money spent vs fees -- but it makes more sense to talk in sats. I forgot where I am :)
Is not about to "please" us with specific lingo. Is more about to change your mindset, for your own good.
of course