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Before you can understand why Bitcoin is essential to our future, pseudo-Bitcoiners keep telling you that you must first understand how money works, and then understand why bankers, whether private or central, and politicians represent evil.
You've understood this, and you've begun to enter the Bitcoin revolution.
And suddenly you're told that governments are coming in to buy Bitcoin en masse by printing fiat currency out of thin air. And that is great news...
Pseudo-Bitcoiners tell you that the gradual takeover of Bitcoin by BlackRock and other financial giants is a Bullish thing.
You're also told that there's nothing wrong with bankers becoming intermediaries between the people and Bitcoin, even though Bitcoin was invented to free us from the yoke of the banksters.
Aren't you lost when faced with all these contradictions from pseudo-Bitcoiners who are only looking for one thing, namely profit in weak money without even understanding where the liberating power of the Bitcoin revolution lies?
I look forward to hearing from you.
There are literally dozens of us that got into Bitcoin originally for the permissionless MoE properties, and the impact that can have on curtailing power of the state, megacorps, and liberating the economy as a whole.
Unfortunately, most MoE maxi's are technically regarded, and bought into big blocker/shitcoin narratives as being the only way to achieve those ends. Those that are still Bitcoiners are still mostly regarded, distracted by fake L2 scams and ETrash.
Obviously, MoE doesn't matter if the underlying asset you're exchanging has no value, so MoE maxxing isn't at odds with SoV, SoV was just always inevitable, and seems that battle has been won before it even began...
The real battle is for MoE (Lightning) maximalism, the bulk of the worlds economy runs through just a handful of payment processors, and that's looking unlikely to change if Bitcoins primary function is as collateral.
MoE is where they fight us at every step. Countless intel agencies from governments and international corporations cannot allow it to happen, every fake L2 promoter and piece of Lightning FUD is astroturfed by a coordinated resistance for which there are countless useful idiots to aid them.
MoE takes monetary velocity out of [their] hands, dis-intermediates countless lines of rent-seeking businesses, and removes levers of censorship. MoE equals self-custody within the economy. We haven't won until every family or small business is running a https://github.com/shocknet/Lightning.Pub
MoE maxxing isn't at odds with SoV, SoV was just always inevitable, and seems that battle has been won before it even began... The real battle is for MoE (Lightning) maximalism
This. SoV battle has been won due to "happy printing", which is obvious pain for savers. MoE battle will be harder because this pain above is not so big/visible in MoE area. And harder battle yet due to Copernicus' Law ;)
MoE will begin through commodities trading. Not in my opinion, through buying a coffee or buying a candy bar.
Bitcoin is pristine digital capital for the world... and eventually it makes sense as an intermediary capital for countries that don't trust each other or don't like each other, or can't agree on 'a currency' to still be able to trade.
A barrel of oil for Bitcoin. A barrel of oil for soybeans, and soybeans for gold... Meaning bitcoin can and will be traded for each of them.
Therefore the US getting a strategic reserve (of Bitcoin) is equivalent to getting a strategic reserve of the other things too, but with potentially exponential growth.
Pseudo-Bitcoiners tell you that the gradual takeover of Bitcoin by BlackRock and other financial giants is a Bullish thing. You're also told that there's nothing wrong with bankers becoming intermediaries between the people and Bitcoin, even though Bitcoin was invented to free us from the yoke of the banksters.
The problem of having real freedom is that people can get involved with your project that you don't like.
If bitcoin is so weak that it can't survive the people you don't like buying it, then it was a doomed project from the beginning.
Perhaps we institute a central authority to solve your concerns?
Banks having Bitcoin... doesn't keep anyone from self-custodying.
Yoke of government issued currency and a central bank
The term banksters is too broad and vague and probably inaccurate
Saylors and all those pseudo-bitcoiners tactics are a big trap.
This will be the end of Bitcoin: all govs and institutions accumulating it until will reach a level where they can control its movement. Then they will say: give me your sats and I will give you this token that represent your sats.
But that doesn't go against what we have always fought for: financial freedom - that Bitcoin has given us, which distances us from the Fiat system. True Bitcoiners don't believe in that kind of thing. Bitcoin is one and has nothing to do with the Fiat system.
people that are only just getting into bitcoin and learning about it won't have formed their opinion either way, to them the bitcoin cash people will sound the same as what others would call a true bitcoiner. in fact, the bitcoin cash people will tell them that YOU are the shitcoiner.
The point is, only after a many, many hours will they start to form their own opinion, probably based on who they are listening to and their existing moral compass and worldview
well... just look at the market. How has bch held value or appreciated relative to btc?
The btc blocks are packed and people actively compete (pay) for blockspace. Bch... not so much. Blocks are almost completely empty.
While I agree, to a stone-cold noob who is a talking to a bcash maxi, they will just tell him that NGU is bullshit and price is a fiat thing and they probably have some excuse about blockspace usage too. the point being, a person who is new, won't necessity know who to believe because they haven't studied it. that being said, a noob will always be more swayed by price action so would probably be put off bcash for that reason alone
Just wait until banks start practicing fractional reserve loans with bitcoin. We will have come full circle.
Banks that go fractional with Bitcoin will get recked. There is no bail-out.