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130 sats \ 14 replies \ @siggy47 20 Nov 2024 \ parent \ on: Boost Territory Revenue by forwarding newsletter sats meta
I think it really depends on the goals of a territory owner. I own 4 territories because I believe in SN and saw an opportunity to make a long term investment here. Each territory is different. One of them was a complete lark that I wanted to own even though it will probably take years to break even. Another one, which I put little time into yet, is performing the best despite my lack of attention. I don't care, because I'm retired and have the time to try different ideas at my own pace. I know others may not have that luxury.
On another point, people look at territories as a bad investment, but consider this: a few months back there was a lot of macro FUD about something or other, and it seemed pretty obvious that the fiat value of bitcoin would take a hit. I made a post asking if anyone intended to buy a territory when it dropped. I think the price wound up in the high 40s, a little less than half of what it is now. If someone bought a territory then, the financial pressure would be alleviated. You could stack sats for the rest of your life here if you believe SN is viable long term. I think it is.
If you didn't think so, you could sell your territory at or below market price with no financial risk.
Thanks for the reply. Because you own them with an aim set in future, I've no doubts as I Saud about intentions, but I was talking in the context with.
Other territories like mine still need more obvious incentives.
So, I was thinking what it might be that @graruby's territory is profitable now.
If you can wait for ages to see it profitable, who can object it? But I really want you tk consider my nothing suggestion.
About a contest? I ran two in books and articles. There seemed to be little interest after the first two. I run a contest every week in beginners.
Sometimes users do a better job. If you want, run a writing contest in my territory. I'll even help you out with sats if I like your idea.
If you want, run a writing contest in my territory.
I'll seriously give it a thought. Thanks.
I’ll help judge 😈
Send me your cv ;)
I believe it’s viable long term!