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10 sats \ 3 replies \ @SNisgay 19 Nov 2024 \ on: How to convince my parents about bitcoin? ideasfromtheedge
I love this meme. It really seems like they don't and when they get a little bit interested, their first thought or question is: "How long will it take me to buy a Lamborini?"... and it's like everything you've explained doesn't exist.
when people are not ready to talk about bitcoin, i work on their beliefs in other topics, and keep up the pressure. eventually all roads will lead to the question "why is the world so effed up?" and the answer is obviously the diabolical money system.
with people who already know why bitcoin, i go further - why and how anarchy and statelessness are protective against an authoritarian government. that conversation is much harder, but just like with bitcoin, i simply haven't mastered the material yet and/or haven't substantially gained the listener's trust yet.
another topic i have been exploring is ethics, the righteous way of life, and psychology. realistically, when u study bitcoin, u end up studying everything.
That's very true, you start studying about one topic and you end up researching 20 more topics. Bringing up the topic to my parents bores them, not only about Bitcoin but about the entire fiduciary system and how it works.